Oil to Natural Gas Conversion Chart

Month Gallons # 6 BTU’s / Gallon Total BTU’s DTH
1 34769 153200 5326610800 5326.611
2 17420 153200 2668744000 2668.744
3 26083 153200 3995915600 3995.916
4 16013 153200 2453191600 2453.192
5 8276 153200 1267883200 1267.883
6 8737 153200 1338508400 1338.508
7 8749 153200 1340346800 1340.347
8 8700 153200 1332840000 1332.84
9 8714 153200 1334984800 1334.985
10 8750 153200 1340500000 1340.5
11 8243 153200 1262827600 1262.828
12 17418 153200 2668437600 2668.438


Sample Oil to Natural Gas Conversion Table:

BTU’s per Gallon
#2 Oil 138500
#4 Oil 145850
#6 Oil 153200


  • 1 Dekatherm = 1,000,000 BTU’s.
  • Oil contains heat output known as British Thermal Units (BTU’s). Heavy oils such as Number 5 and 6 are what remains of the crude oil after gasoline and the distillate fuel oils are extracted through distillation. The conversions to the most popular heating oils are listed above.
  • To convert gallons of oil to dekatherms replace the BTU’s / Gallon with the correct BTU’s based on the type of oil consumed.
  • For example: #6 oil burns at a rate of 153200 BTU’s per gallon.
  • If you multiply the number of gallons X 153200 = (total BTU’s per month) divided by 1,000,000 = Dekatherms per month.

To convert your actual Monthly oil consumption to dekatherms download this Excel spreadsheet:

Oil to gas conversion

For more information feel free to contact one of our consultants at 1-800-490-4427